Saber Tactical TRS Rail
Install Guide
Maverick Rail
Before starting any work on any rifle or pistol always ensure the weapon is unloaded and set to safe.
This rail is a home install. Any damage, stripped threads or damage in anyway is entirely the customers responsibility. Airgun 101 Shop does not offer after any sales install service.
- Inside the box will be the rail, Delrin support with two screws and washers. Four new breech screws, two long and two short. One gold coloured level brace and one level.

- Remove the existing rail on the FX Maverick using a 2.5mm alan tool – not included. Remove and store the four screws in case you need to reinstall the original rail later.
- Place the TRS rail onto the top of the FX Maverick and gently move the rail around until it lines up the four screw holes on the rifle. Then place the Bubble level on the cut out at the rear of the rail, set in the middle until you are happy. The place the gold covered brace over the top, lining the screw holes up. Place the two shortler screws into the hole and gently secure them…DO NOT TIGHTEN DOWN AT THIS POINT – JUST TO SECURE THE RAIL.

- Using the two longer screws secure the rail at the front. DO NOT TIGHTEN DOWN AT THIS POINT.

- REMOVE THE SCREWS FROM THE DELRIN SUPPORT FIRST using a 4mm alan tool - not supplied - then place the Delrin barrel front support over the shroud and slide it in to your desired position under the TRS rail. GENTLY secure the barrel support in place. Just a gentle pinch to secure it – DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN…IT DOES NOT NEED IT.

- Go ahead and tighten down the four screws on the top. You can hand tighten them, they do not need a high strength tighten, just a bit more than a pinch. Saber Tactical recommends 15-16 inch pound if using a torque wrench. Remount your scope and carry on.